Page name: multicolored angels [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-17 01:23:31
Last author: Demon-child
Owner: BergundyAngel
# of watchers: 5
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Welcome to...... MULTICOLORED ANGELS.........

you have recieved an invitation. it says:
" Welcome. i would like for you all to come to my humble abode and use your inhabitation of my home to meet new people and converse on all subjects of your interest.
     sincerely yours,
as you approach the house you see an enormas Steel door. it is intricately designed with beautiful angels and those who have been damned to walk the earth for eternity.

from this point you enter the home and are surrounded by color labeled rooms and then there are rooms with no names. only labels by a sign that says this: "only to be claimed by perminent residents. all are welcome"

your days as lonely and fearful or indignant beings is over you are all hereby instructed to befriend others and coexist in peace. till a problem arises... Enjoy and be free to be.

House Tour

Character Pics@MA

[Ashoka Virlym] made this. it is so cool

pictures of known animals throughout the various areas on the property. enjoy yourself and explore to your hearts content.
The Stables@MA
The Yard@MA
The Pasture@MA
The Lake@MA
The House@MA
The Woods@MA

Home Owner: [BergundyAngel]-Baal
 Desciption: silver/green eyes, long flowing sandy blonde hair with streaks of silver, velvety smooth bat-like wings, a pair of rear facing curved bull-like horns at the crown of brow, long sharp fangs, body covered in faint scars, claws adorned in pewter rings, long tail that ends in a needle sharp pointed spur.
 Personality: friendly and accomodating,though if provoked will enforce house rules and personal power.
 Likes: kindly, well mannered people with large intellects and a common knowledge of senority and ranking.also people that enjoy having fun and integrating with those around them.
 Dislikes:rude, unforgiving, and unintelligable people who have no remorse for their actions.

1:[orchidflame]: Dramora
 Color: Green
 Description: she is a gargoyle angel,she's wearing a gold crown thing on her forehead and beautiful twistinn brace lets on her legs and arms and gold earings,she has very large wings,purplish blue eyes,whitish silver hair in a braid,she's wearing a pinkish tan skirt and belly shirt,she has a long tail,she's very beautiful,when she's feeling a very powerful emotion she glows different colors for each strong emotion and sometimes people and animals around her glow the same color if they feel the same and or they feel her presence,she's great with animals and whistles to them a beautifuly haunting tune that draws only the ones that are made to be with her to her,her best animal friend is a palomino hippogriff stallion^_^
 Personality: friendly but usualy not easy to become friends with,very inteligent,kind but only to those who show kindness to others,mean and extremely cruel only to people she hates or are evil,distrusting for very good reasons,very tuff and strong willed,very cocky and brave and spunky

2: [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden Skyler
 Description: 15 years old, wheres a father's outfit"chruch father" wear hat all black, Or whatever i feel like wearing. I dont know my past and i dont like to talk alot.
Eyes: changes, hair:Durty blond, Body:rather on the thin side, Height:6, weight:120, Face:oval, Ears:normal human ears and on my left ear i have the tip of my ear pierced with two peircings and the lower part of my ears i have a metal band in my ears.... Fingers:a little thin but strong, clothing: whatever i feel like

3: [Demon-child]: Rauka
Description: Ageless, wears simple black pants and a long-sleeved dark-gray shirt with black boot-like shoes. Or whatever she feels like. Long red-blonde snakes for hair, usually back in a braid, when angered they hiss. Eyes are usually amber, but can change colour with mood, and glow when pissed. Thinnish, rather tall, slightly androgynous looking, with a pointed, longish face. Deceptively small, delicate-looking hands.
Personality: Sort of quiet, darkly sarcastic sense of humour, but has extreme mood swings so can be quite bubbly at times. Rather intelligent, pretends to have no morals and be cold and evil, but is accused of being just as much of a hero as the others.
Likes: sweet food, intelligent and witty people, animals, various musics (plays the flute and can occasionally call some animals if she does it just right).
Dislikes: arrogance, betrayal, and chauvinism.

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2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *looks at him*well saddle up then!*gallops off into the woods with Nihar*

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *looks at you* you dont have to come if you dont want too* finishing with the tack on glyph* maybe i should bring lauri with us??? what do you think dramora???

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *mounts glyph and heads towards lauri's stall*

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *watches then goes and gets Dagger all ready to go and gets on him and goes over to Baal*...

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *unlatching lauri's stall door and watching the little horse come charging out* did you sleep well last night auden???

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at Baal and nods*yes i did..

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: ((she is the tiger stiped mutation od the pasture horses (in the barn) with green wings and black mane and tail... i am listening to hero of the day by metallica...*sighs* ahhh))

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: ((*smiles*yea I remember now))

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *is riding through the woods ocassionly seeing eyes glare out of me from the darkness*

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *kicking glyph in to motion and heading towards the doors towards the pasture and calling lauri to fallow* auden??? are you coming with???

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *gets tackled off of Nihar by a huge wolf like creature*((the blue one at the top))oof!!!wtf???*stands up and growls at the wolf creature and it growls back*

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *leavingthe barn at a trot and with out answer8 i guess i'll get to the pasture now. *kicks glyph into a gallop.. whistling for lauri*

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: Yeah*then Daggers takes off after Baal*

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *coming over the crest of the hill i notice dranora is nowhere in sight* oh my god i hope she just went to the lake... *slows to a quick trot and aims for the herd in the distance.*

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *the wolf leaps at me and I catch it in mid air and throw it away from me and jumps on Nihar and gallops out of the woods and charges past Baal in the pasture cursing*

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *seeing her fly by* what the hell was the about??? what were you doing??? *looks back to were she came from and sees the wolf charging after her* damnit *bales off glyph to towards auden driving dagger backwards so glyph can fight the wolf back*

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *does the same with Dagger then sees dramora and goes past us*oO?..

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *jumps off Nihar backwards and charges towards the wolf glowing a deep blood red and swearing*YOU STUPID LITTLE FU***** WOLF*kicks it in the jaw then smacks it with my tail making it yelp*

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *watches then gets off and runs to Dramora and the wolf and gets between the wolf and her and protects the wolf*Stop It!...

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *turns and looks to see glyph amazed at dramora actions and vigor* what in the hell is she doing??? * heading back in her direction*

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *loks at auden amazed* what!!! are you off your rocker???

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *growls ready to shove Auden out of the way*OH FREAKIN' SURE PROTECT THE WOLF!!!!!!!!!!*glows a blackish red*

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: eyeballing the wolf behind auden*oh god you two. stop just drive it back to the woods if it doesn't want to come to the house...

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at Dramora*'s a wild animal it doesnt know better ...

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: !!!!!!YOU'D RATHER HAVE ME DIE THEN SOME WOLF!!!!!!!!!!*turns black and runs away from them Nihar right behind me*

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: * rolls eyes and sughs heavily* what in the world just happened??? *watching dramora run...*

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at her and watches*well Im SORRY!!*looks away/ down at the ground*...

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *walks back over to glyph and mounts up* i have to finish i usually have this done by 8:00 not in the afternoon. *heads at a slow walk towards the herd *i'll deal with is when i'm done. *slightly perterbed*

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *hears him and screams back*SO YOU ADMIT IT!!!!!!*runs to the lake and strips and wades in up to my chin glowing black and crying*stupid me,why did I ever come here?my mate was the only one that ever truly cared about me

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *hears Dramora and gets up and takes off running in the wood not konwing where im going and Dagger stayed there and the wolf gets up and runs after me*

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *cries*I miss my mate soooo much,why doesnt any one else care about me?

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *looking back and seeing auden run into the woods* damnit *pulls glyph to a stop* what am i supposed to do??? go chasing after dramora to comfort her? chase after auden to make sure he doesn't get hurt more? or finish my truely important chores? why do i have to care??? *looks at glyph and dismounts* you go find and keep an eye on auden.. calls lauri to me and mounts up and heads to the lake* i will check on dramora.

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *sobs*why did he have to die!!!!!!!!??????

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *glyph followscauden at a distance*  *i dismount at the edge of the water and sit down* dramora * in a motherly tone* are you ok baby girl???

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *looks at her through the darkness that surrounds me*

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *sadness fills my eyes& oh baby come here *opens my arms welcoming you with a hug*

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *stares at her for a moment then hugs her getting her all wet and crying hard*

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *hugs you so tight it would hurt if you werent upset* bayby girl... we both love having you here and we love you more than we love having you here. i dont want you to ever doubt that. *hugs you tighter and rubs your back to calm you down*

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *grows quiet and glows a light gray as I calm down*

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: * sighs gently beginingto rock you back and forth* i dont want you to be upset.. why did you get so upset???

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *sniffs*because.........It reminded me of when my mate died............I thought Auden was protecting me..............but he was protecting a was like he rather have the wolf tear me apart then me beat the wolf in self defence

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *still rocking* ooo honey *sighs* i know it has to be hard. remembering those things but i dont think it was intentional. that wolf probably wouldn't have actually hurt you it may have just been protecting the den or something... ithought i had warned you about the woods anyways? baby girl i warned you becausei didn't want you to get hurt...

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *sighs glowing a very light gray almost white*yes but that was one of those wolves you warned me about,and he was protecting it over me*looks at her my eyes filled with pain*why did he have to die?

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *wanting to cry too but holding back* Baby girl things happen for a reason but most of the time no one knows why. i wish i could.... i can help a little. would you be willing to go to a place where you can see him again? but you have to promise you wont freak out and try to stay or bring him with us when we come back... *a knowig warning in my eyes* i love you too much to let you stay being hurt like this...

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *gasps and tears roll down my cheaks*I could see him again?*looks amazed that I could see him and that you cared so much and starts to glow a light pink*

2005-08-18 [Demon-child]: ::pops up:: Stupid demons. Kept trying to eat me. ::Looks around:: I missed something. Yeow. Awwww. I'm sorry.

2005-08-19 [Ashoka Virlym]: *then i slow down as i keep going in deeper into the woods and the wolf was right next to me a little limping*.....

2005-08-26 [BergundyAngel]: *smiling lovingly* yes you could... but like i said you will have to let him go hen it is time for us to come back.... *stands up and reaches to help you up and smiling*  *glyph stays at a distance watching auden and the wolf go deeper into the woods*

2005-08-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *keeps on my walk then gets at a rock then i stop as it glows then you can whistling nose of wings*..

2005-08-27 [BergundyAngel]: ((welcome demon-child sorry i haven't been here everybody but i am stranded for the time being and am only able to access a computer at school. now aren't i glad i decided to cheat and take college courses after graduating *smiles goofily* well you guys dont seem to do much while i am gone so i shouldn't worry about getting lost *matter of fact smirk*))

2005-08-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((ok))

2005-08-27 [orchidflame]: ((*laughs*how can we play without the best character*huggles*))*takes her hand and stands up glowing pink and yelow*

2005-08-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *then a mother dragon lands where i was then rubs her large navi head againest my head*I cant do it mother....I tryed to be with others like me but...*sniff*it's just not working out..I want to come home..*she looks at me with her black parball eyes then nods as she lowers down to let me on*

2005-08-27 [BergundyAngel]: *glyph dashes over to auden and lies down, looking at you with pleading eyes*   *smiles and takes dramoras hand* close your eyes and think of the happiest moment you had with your mate *closes eyes and folds enormous wings around us*

2005-08-27 [orchidflame]: ((HE'S A DRAGON!!!!!!!!!!HE LIED???!!?!?!?!?!!OR IS HIS FATHER AN ANGEL?????!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!???!!!!???O_OO_O))

2005-08-27 [orchidflame]: *sighs happily thinking my happiest moment with my mate*

2005-08-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((*shakes head*no He doesnt know his real parents the dragon it his mother because she is the one who raised him and that...and she wanted him to find people like him and live like they do...))

2005-08-27 [BergundyAngel]: (( i like tha whoel idear... *smiles* ))

2005-08-27 [orchidflame]: ((*smiles*me too,I was wondering how a dragon and an angel would mix.......................))

2005-08-27 [orchidflame]: ((lets continue playing))*sighs happily*can I see my mate yet??

2005-08-27 [BergundyAngel]: ((*laughing very hard* just the thought is scary))            * you feel like your spinning and dropping into the ground at a million miles per hour* dont be afraid just keep thinking of your happiest time *smiles*    *glyph paws at audens feet begging for you not to go and whinning like a hurt puppy*

2005-08-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at the wolf then says goodbye to the wolf then gets on my mother then she jumps up to take off and flies up and then takes off flying with her wings making the whistling nose again*

2005-08-27 [BergundyAngel]: *glyph tries to fallow*

2005-08-27 [orchidflame]: *smiles and feels my feet in a few inches of water*are we here??*still thinking about my happiest moment*

2005-08-27 [BergundyAngel]: *unfolding wings and looking around at the picturesque moment* well this is your happiest moment? *smiling*

2005-08-27 [orchidflame]: *gasps and opens my eyes seeing my mate standing there arms and wings out stretched ready to embrace me his voice deep and handsome*Come To Me My Love

2005-08-27 [BergundyAngel]: *stepping back and giving dramora and her mate space* this is your time. *smiling at dramora*

2005-08-27 [orchidflame]: *runs to him jumping into his arms,he folds his wings around us kissing me lovingly*

2005-08-27 [BergundyAngel]: *fells intrucive just standing there watching* i am going to go over there * walking away and humming to myself.*

2005-08-27 [orchidflame]: *he looks deeply in my eyes and whispers in my ear*our daughter needs your help*gasps and thinks*~this isnt apart of my special moment!!!~

2005-08-27 [BergundyAngel]: *continues walking towards a small building in the distance humming a sweet tune*

2005-08-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *then me and my mother lands at home or her cave*...

2005-08-27 [BergundyAngel]: *glyph tries to call out to auden crying in a deafening roar* grrr *still flying in the direction he just saw them disappear in*

2005-08-27 [orchidflame]: ((*cough*cough*go ahead and intruduce your new character bergundy lol^_^))

2005-08-27 [orchidflame]: *my mate sets me down and I look around looking for my daughter*

2005-08-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *gets off og my mother then goes and leans on the cave wall then she goes and grabs me then laies down behind methen laies me down between her front and back laies then i cry in my arms as i curl my kneels up to my chest*

2005-08-27 [BergundyAngel]: *glyph still flies on crying for auden to answer his call*   *i walk up to the little house and begin to investigate the surrounding area*

2005-08-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks up and hearing my name being called but didnt want to go to her*

2005-09-08 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph *flying harder calls out again as he passes into a ravenous storm. drudging on through the wind and his feathers becoming statically charged glyph begins to cry* *still flying glyph is struck once by lightening and begins to fall then he is hit a second, and third, and fourth time. plumiting to the ground glyph rolls in the air unconscious and badly burned*

2005-09-08 [BergundyAngel]: ((ok orchid i seem to have forgotten the name help me out here)) *sitting yards away watching her mother and father from the top of a floureshing willow tree*

2005-09-08 [BergundyAngel]: *baal begins to feel the energy physically drain from her body and knows that something has gone terribly arye back in the present as she falls unconscience to the floor of the small building* a single whispered "NO" escapes her paling lips*

2005-09-08 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at the floor of the cave as my mother curls around to keep me warm*

2005-09-24 [BergundyAngel]: ((ok what the hell happened here??? no one has said a damn thing in ages. i feel no one accually wanted a damn thing to do ith this stupid fantasy shit!!!))

2005-09-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((well i have))

2005-09-25 [orchidflame]: ((*meeps*I DO!!!*has a fierce look of dedication on my face*))BAAL!*runs over to Baal and tries to heal her but is unable to use my powers in this realm of the past*Baal please wake up*tears stream down her face and her mate comes up and puts a comforting hand on her shoulder*

2005-09-29 [BergundyAngel]: ((i am sorry i sounded do mean but hey no one kept the damn thing up while i was gone. i wouldn't have minded if i got left behind a little. it wouldn't cause any problems for me. i figured if i killed myself off then you guys wouldn't have to do anything and could go on with your other more in\mportant wikis)) *baal limply moves to the shaking and lets out a sighed groan* * Glyph plumits to the ground with gaining speed*

2005-09-29 [orchidflame]: ((DONT YOU DARE YOUNG LADY OR YOU'LL REGRET IT!><''))*shakes you alittle*what happened!?SOMEBODY HELP!((thats the new characters cue bergundy*wink wink*lol))

2005-09-29 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((oO?))

2005-09-29 [BergundyAngel]: ((shit girl!!! stop with the shaking. *grining) oh .... um.... problem. i dont remember what the fuck her name is))

2005-10-01 [orchidflame]: ((*pulls my hair*same here!*swears under my breath*))

2005-10-01 [BergundyAngel]: well damn we will figure this out as soon as we can))

2005-10-01 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((*sits down*ermm))

2005-10-02 [orchidflame]: ((*sits down and tries to remember*))

2005-10-09 [BergundyAngel]: ((*taps orhcid on the forehead* think girl think.))

2005-10-15 [BergundyAngel]: ((*stands beside orchid and tries to imagine what she is thinking*)) *glyph gains faint conscience and tries to slow his desent to the ground but realises his wings are scorched and begins to cry out for help. looks at the aproaching ground and screams in terror while flapping uselessly at the air*

2005-10-15 [orchidflame]: ((*falls over smacking my head*THINK ME THINK!!!!!!!!!!><''lol))

2005-10-15 [BergundyAngel]: *baals eyes flutter gently and a moan escapes her mouth but she doesn't wake up*

2005-10-15 [orchidflame]: *looks worried*I dont know what to do........*has a feeling the injury is not apart of Baal and places both hands over Baal's heart and a great blue light surrounds us as I heal her and hopefully the one with the injury*

2005-10-15 [BergundyAngel]: ((that was good thinking girl*pats you on the back* what has trey been up too?)) *glyphs feathers begin to grow back quickly as he plumits faster to the ground. the pain of the growing feathers makes him wince in pain as he continues to flap furiously at the passing air*

2005-10-15 [orchidflame]: ((thanks^_^he's not on yet but he will be later,and as far as I know he is doing good))

2005-10-15 [orchidflame]: *the blue light begins to dim as the healing starts to finish leaving Baal's counter part whoever it may be healed*

2005-10-15 [BergundyAngel]: ((cool cool. i dont talk to him anymore but i still wonder what is going on and all cause there for a while he was a pretty good friend.)) *suddenly glyphs wings begin to grip the air but continue to slip through as the ground still comes closer*

2005-10-15 [orchidflame]: *tries to think of who could be close enough to Baal that they would share pain*OMG!Glyph!!!!*mutters a spell that glyph in mid air where ever he may be and he is slowly lowered to the ground and the blue light which had surrounded him on his decent to the ground dissapears leaving him safe on the ground and healed but no doubt disorientated*

2005-10-15 [BergundyAngel]: *glyph lies down worn out from the adrenaline flowing throwing through his veins and the constant ache in his wings* ((you know what i just noticed??? that rule in english about i before e except after c totally doesn't work for so many words. those damn liars!!! *laughs at the fact*))

2005-10-15 [orchidflame]: ((*starts to laugh*))

2005-10-15 [BergundyAngel]: *baals eyes flutter and she bigins to whimper at the painful ache in the muscles in her back.* oh god. ow. *baals eyes flutter open* what is going on? what happened and why am i in so much pain?

2005-10-15 [BergundyAngel]: ((i even looked it up in the dictionary. there are so many words that dont go by that rule. *raises a mock fist in the air and getting an evil look on my face* i am so sueing them for false information))

2005-10-15 [orchidflame]: *laughs in relief*glyph was injured but I saved him by saving you^_^''((*laughs even harder*nice you go girl!^_^))

2005-10-15 [BergundyAngel]: ((yeah another stephen lynch song that i am listening to involves a gerbil, lubrication lotion, a tube, and gerbicide. sick isn't it*laughing histerically* oh now it has changed to "in defense of a peepshow girl"))

2005-10-15 [orchidflame]: ((lol your so silly))

2005-10-15 [BergundyAngel]: ((*smiles and faking a flirtacious eye flutter* i know. but that is why EVERYBODY LOVES ME.)) baal- oh my god what happened to glyph. tries to get up off the ground and falls back. *looks around and realizes we are in another demension* oh no i didn't do that in this place. *covers my face and curses silently*

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: *looks confused*do what?huh?*looks thourghly confused*

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: *uncovering my eyes* i dont know if i have the strength to get us back or to get us back at all. *covers my face again and sobbs gently. not being able to help hurt my heart and everyone around could hear the fracturing of my heart*

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: ((ernies mad 'cause ernie can't hear. with a banana i his ear. the song jim hensons dead by stephen lynch. HAHA))

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: *looks around nervously*oh you know how to get us out?*turns to my mate who sadly shakes his head "no"but points to a dark corner*huh?((hold on Im finding her name))

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: ((there's a hair on the soap and it's short and it's curly. there's a hair on the soap and i dont think it's mine. that is the entire song hair by steophen lynch. isn't that one just gut busting?!?! *laughing my ass off))

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: ((*laughing histaricly*nice))

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: *looking at dramora and hthen to her mate and follows their glances to see a beautiful girl standing in the corner* ((*pretending to be be impatiently irritated* come on with it already. i'm waiting. *cant help but break out laughing laugh*))

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: ((*laughs*I cant find her name or remember it so just name her whatever you like oh and do you remember what the picture I sent you of her looked like?was she flying?))*gasps*omg*looks at the beautiful gargoyle angel*is that our daughter?*looks to my mate who sadly shakes his head yes and says:she refuses to leave me she is slowly waisting away this way.....*shakes his head*

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: ((i am listeniong to tenacious d now and the sub on the floor is vibratig my foot. it is kinda creepy. i can't come up with good names. you do it. *a whinny voice* i dont think of good names.))

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: ((*thinks*how bout Demonica do you like that name Bergundy?oh and what did the picture of her I sent you look like?))

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: ((i have absolutely no clue what so ever. could i change it just a bit??? what do you think of drailynn??? i love the song by tenacious d "fuck her gently" it too is a very funny song.))

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: ((hey Ive heard that song!I have that song lol*laughs*hmmmmm Drailynn........hmmmmmmm sure why not))*whispers softly humming the same hauntingly beautiful song that attracted the most unique animals to me at the mansion,and says in a beautiful kind voice*Drailynn is that you?*continues to hum the song*

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: *drailynn steps shyly out of the shadows and almost imperceptably nods and mut0ters* yes. *baal looks at the girl with wonder and amazement and listens to dramoras tune*

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: *continues to hum to soft song*do you know who I'am?((for Drailynn's own safety she was abandoned at birth with only a picture in a locket around her neck of her mother and father))

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: ((ok why in the hell wa sthe poor kid abandoned and how old is she/i now?)) *shrugging drailynn takes a step closer and looks at baal on the floor*

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: ((Ill send you a message of it))

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: *almost whisperin gthe words* what is wrong???

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: *looks at Drailynn*we're trapped here unless you know how to get us back daughter...*looks into her beautiful eyes with my own equaly stunning eyes*

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: *stands up straight in a defying stance* i dont want to leave and i dont have to. *walking closer to the three and standing above baals head and looking down* why can't you get yourself out of here? if your even the one who brought you two here. *glancing at her mother and then looking back down at baal*

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: *spreads my wings as far out as possible making me look huge I raise my head mightly above Drailynns looking down at her as if I was still a great angel close to god*you will not speak to her that way!

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: *baal raises her hand and shakes her head warrily((oh god i can hear the cops!!! i seriously think they are on the lake)) there is no need for this fightling. she may have her reasons. *looking at drailynn and sitting up with great effort.*

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: ((so please enlighten me with your reasoning for such hostile words and feelings? *looking at drailynn and keeping a straight face even though i want to begin laughing* ((hold on just one second))

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: ((why are the cops there?))*encloses my wings around my daughter staring mightily into her eyes I whisper*you have no right to speak that way to her.....please come home if you think that you can hold your tongue against such insults to my best friend*lets her go and kneels beside Baal*can you get us out of here?*talks in baal's mind*~and what will happen if my daughter continues to stay here?~

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: *waiting for drailynns response and responding through mind speech* your daughter wil most definately waste away to nothingness if she stays. the same with us.*glancing expectantly at drailynn and continuing in my mind* but she may only leave on her own accord because she is the one who brought herself here. *heaving a huge mental sigh* i dont think i will be able to gain my strength before OUR time is up. dailynn- i dont believe i should have to show any respect for people i dont know. and that includes you. and she *pointing at baal* is right. i can hear everythig your saying and i dont appriciate your tryingto hide it. *suddenly appearing ashamed* but i am glad you seem to care.

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: ((those fucking pigs!!!!!!!!!! i hate cops. i cant believe they tried to find me out here for my warrents and told my mother a bogus lie to try and get her to say where i was. those bastards!!!!!))

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: *growls deep*you should of stayed in heaven*wont look at my daughter because it bring back all those terrible memories of all that happened a tear rolls down my cheek but I quikly wipe it away*you have to get us out Drailynn if you refuse to come I cant realy stop you.........

2005-10-16 [BergundyAngel]: drailynn- i didn't want to stay there!!! i wanted my family. *sobbing* i couldn't find you but i found dad and i know that "he" can't get me if i am with my daddy and "she" wont be able to find me. *wiping tears away and looking angrily at dramora* why didn't you try to find me? baal- *speaking olny to drailynn* dear it wasn't her fault. she didn't know you ran away from god. but we truely need your help. and we both would be terribly heart broken if you were to waste away in here and not be able to see what life was really like.*looking at dramora and using mind speach* you need to show her how much we both want her to come home with us and enjoy her life in the real world.

2005-10-16 [orchidflame]: *wraps my huge wings tenderly around Drailynn*Im soooo sorry I didnt want to let you go but he made me for your own good and once you fall you cant go back*hugs her tightly in my wings*please come with......daddy isnt real he's merely a memory trapped for ever in a time demension Im real and here and I wont let either of them get you*tears stream down her face*your mine again and I wont let them have my daughter!*a fierce motherly look of love comes onto my face*

2005-10-17 [BergundyAngel]: *tears stream down drailynns face and she hugs her mommy tight* i missed you so much. i would go anywhere with you. *lets go and looks at baal* are you sure you could handle a trip back so soon baal- sure i can handle anything but i may have to atay atthe house for a bit after the trip. *looking at dramora and nodding* are you sure YOU want to go yet*glancing at drailynn expecting her to answer also*

2005-10-18 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((OO!??!*falls over*@@))

2005-10-20 [BergundyAngel]: ((was that a shock dude??? LMAO. that was a priceless reaction))

2005-10-20 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((*looks at you as i sit up*kyuu?))

2005-10-20 [BergundyAngel]: drailyn- *running to her father and embracing him in a brutal hug then looking at her mother * only if you guys are ready

2005-10-20 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((*lowers head*im sooooo lost..))

2005-10-20 [orchidflame]: ((*hugs dragon*Merou,its ok Ill try to explain as soon as my head stops throbbing!*rubs my temples softly*headache.........))

2005-10-20 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((*looks at orchid*ok....))

2005-12-11 [BergundyAngel]: ((hey you guys!!! how have you all been? i am sorry i haen't been around. seriously))

2005-12-12 [orchidflame]: Dramora*nods slowly*yes,I think I can let go of the past now

2005-12-12 [BergundyAngel]: Baal- *looking kindly at Dramora and smiling* well say your good byes and lets go. i feel am ready now.

2005-12-12 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden:*was walking around*

2005-12-12 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph- *lieing there worn out from the flight and the fall realizes wht he was doing before all this happened and releasing a deep throated growl raises to his and feet and continues on foot in the direction he knew he should be going. glyph walks for a few miles and begins to work his wings. the pain continues but he takes to the air and ascends and begins calling for auden again. over and over glyph cries out for Auden to answer his call. in the distance he sees a towering cliff, only barely visible at this distance. he pushes on and calls louder even while the pain in his wings is growing ever more as he flies towards where he only hopes auden will be residing.*

2005-12-12 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden:*hears someone call out his name then heads for the voice then see the creature and runs over to him*Your hurt dont move...

2005-12-12 [BergundyAngel]: *happily grunting and chirping out cheery calls glyph dances around Auden unable to contain his joy at finding his dear friend Auden*

2005-12-12 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden:Stop it your hurt...*glares at him*

2005-12-12 [BergundyAngel]: *dropping his head and lieing down for Auden glyph tries, with great effort, to control his joy. looking up at auden and quietly, chirping happily sticks out his parrot like tongue and kisses auden on the cheek*

2005-12-12 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden:*looks at you and wipes the lick off before kneeling down and fixing the wound then stands up and looks down at Glyph then turns and walks off*

2005-12-12 [BergundyAngel]: *whining pitiously glyph riases and gallops after auden. stopping in front of auden and giving a pleading look of hurt and betrayal hopes auden will open his mind for glyph to speak to him*

2005-12-12 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at Glyph then looks down at the ground before rushing to glyph and hugs as a few tears ran down my cheeks**

2005-12-12 [BergundyAngel]: *concentrating strongly, glyph tries to get audens attention. in a pleading and mornful tone glyph speaks up hoping auden will here him* Auden??? why did you run? it saddened me very much when you ran. i would be even sadder if i wouldn't have been able to find you. what is making you so sad? *placing an enormous taloned paw in front of auden to bring his attention to glyph instead of theground*

2005-12-12 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks right into glyph's eyes*do we have to talk about this now?

2005-12-12 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph- actually it would be nice. i really want to know what was wrong. it hurt my feelings that you just ran away. *staring back saddly and pleading with auden to level with him on this* why dont you want to tell me? ndo you not trust me or like me anymore. i thought we were friends?.

2005-12-12 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden: we's just been are for me..I run away all the time...because i just want to be alone and think things through.

2005-12-12 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph- but what made you run? *looking around briefly* and if you wont talk to me what am i supposed to do until you will talk, because i am not going to leave without you. *looking back at auden* you will come back with me wont you???

2005-12-12 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden:*nods*i'll return but please give me some time

2005-12-12 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph- * looking slightly down hearted and stepping out of audens way* ok i only wish happiness for you. your my friend. but i still wont leave without you. *walking a few feet away and lieing down heavily then watching auden*

2005-12-12 [orchidflame]: Dramora*goes over to kiss her beloved mate good-bye and after a rather long kiss walks back over to Baal*Im ready to go

2005-12-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden:*looks at Glyph then looks around before goes over to glyph and laying down next to glyph then curls up as i fall asleep*

2005-12-13 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph-*giving a gruff growl like purr glyph closes his eyes and thinks of all the good times before this all happened*

2005-12-13 [BergundyAngel]: ((i'l be back))

2005-12-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((ok))Auden:*laies there asleep as a few tears ran down*

2005-12-13 [BergundyAngel]: Baal- *taking Dramora and Drailynn by the hand and smiling kindly at dramoras' love, hangs her head , closes her eyes and concentrates deeply* were all ready to go * a blue glow permiates from the trio and they begin to fade*   Glyph- *sensing the emotion pain his dear friend Auden is emiting, glyph leans his head down and gently caress' his hair. he then carefully hugged his head closer*

2005-12-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden:*later as i sleep i start to move alot from a nightmare about the past*

2005-12-13 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph- *feeling Audens' movements, glyph begins to whime then calming down a small bit coos comforting sounds trying to ease his friends' bad dreams*

2005-12-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden:*doesnt stop*

2005-12-13 [orchidflame]: Dramora*as soon as they arrive safe and sound in the mansion she starts to head to her room already stripping*(remember she sleeps in the nude hehe^_^)wait,where is my daughter going to sleep Baal?*wraps my wings around me,holding my shirt in one hand looking rather embarrassed*

2005-12-13 [BergundyAngel]: Baal- turning around and gently pulling Drailynn forward* she's right here and wwe'll head to bed as soon as i introduce her to the area and the others that are around here. *wink*  Drailynn- *looking thoroughly confused8 what others? *looking around shyly*

2005-12-13 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph- thorooughly worried* auden *nudging him gently* auden, are you ok *whimpering* auden please wake up...

2005-12-13 [orchidflame]: Dramora*too sleepy to catch on she squeeks and pulls her wings more tightly around her*yeah!what others!!!!??*looks around nervously*

2005-12-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden:*wakes up from the nightmare past*..*looks around all scared like*where..where*looks at Glyph then hugs as i say something in a lowe voice*i want to go home

2005-12-13 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph- hugging auden closely and gruntingly purring* it's ok. i wish i could help but i dont know how. could i ask.... where did you live before you came to us???  Baal- *giggling* just go to bed Dramora we'll see you in the morning.

2005-12-13 [orchidflame]: Dramora*nods and mumbles sleepily as she walks up the stairs losing her pants on the way before going into her bedroom and slamming the door behind her before collapsing sound asleep on the bed*

2005-12-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden:i dunno but i remember pain lots of it and tubes in my arm, my mouth i was alway on my stomach when i was laying was always bright and white.I was always naked but i didnt know why.*looks at Glyph*

2005-12-13 [orchidflame]: ((aliens!!!!!!!!LOL,just kidding^_^or am I?......))

2005-12-13 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph- oh auden!!! *whinning and resting his head on auden *i wish you never would have had to endure such things. that is absolutelly terrible...  Baal- *taking drailynn by the hand and heading over to the barn* you need to meet some of the other tenates of this estate. (hey i am going to have to go visit some friends. i'll be back tomarrow.. nighty night))

2005-12-13 [orchidflame]: ((nighty night!))

2005-12-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((ok night))

2005-12-14 [BergundyAngel]: Baal- *after introductions in the stables baal decides Dramora should do the introductions in the yard and throughout the house. heading towards the house* ok maybe we really should retire for the night and your mother can show you around tomarrow and make proper introductions in the yard. Drailynn- ok i am kind of tired anyhow. where will i be sleeping? Baal- on the second floor. you can choose any room. Drailynn- does my mom sleep on the second floor? Baal- yes. Drailynn- i want a room next to hers. Baal- that is fine. *walking in the house and showing drailynn to her room* Baal- ok. here is your room you can decorate it however you want.. *leaving drailynn in her room and going to my own*

2005-12-14 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph- auden??? *looking at audens face* would i be prying if i asked where you were originally from. why that dragon took you away???

2005-12-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden: The dragons knew it was wrong what the people where doing to me and they took me in and protected me from those people.

2006-01-14 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph- * look of shock covered my face* wow they just took you in and cared fopr you like it was nothing??? did they teach you anything of their heritage and of their clan and things like that???

2006-01-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden:no i didnt i was little...i have flash back of they and that..but that's it

2006-01-23 [BergundyAngel]: Glyph: wow!!!

2006-03-21 [BergundyAngel]: *omg!!! nobody has been on here since i left. that is depressing*

2006-03-21 [Ashoka Virlym]: im sorry

2006-03-22 [BergundyAngel]: there is no sorry about it. why would anybody be sorry for mot perticipating in someone elses wiki??? but hey i missed you guys so much!!!

2006-03-22 [Ashoka Virlym]: *hugs back*well i dont come is i dont someone to get left behind and then we have to tell them what happened and that

2006-03-22 [BergundyAngel]: Oh i understand! Well that makes me feel that much better. but yeah i pretty much forgot what had been going on anyways so yeah give me a day or two to catch up and then we can go bak at it. if that is ok with everybody? but yeah i will talk to youlater buddy's!!! love yall bunches!!! *great big hugs*

2008-08-24 [Silverline's Escape]: dead?

2008-08-26 [BergundyAngel]: yes the place is pretty much dead. i'm never on anymore and everyone else is never on when i am anywhere near. sorry.
you could take over if you want though

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